We’ve officially launched XR Guild
Post-AWE Update
Thanks to everyone who has helped make this happen. We’re officially launched.
We had a great week at AWE, with our first panel on Wednesday to help understand the XR Guild and answer questions. We held our first "coffeeklatch" on Friday morning with full attendance -- four round tables, each discussing difficult and important ethical questions with a few remote participants. Special thanks to Brittan Heller, Jessica Outlaw, and Jasmine Roberts for helping to lead sessions.
We’re moving the next remote video Q&A session two weeks out to accommodate AWE and any new members. It’s now set for June 16 at 9am Pacific Time. Here’s the calendar link you can use to add the XR Guild public events calendar to yours. Or email admin@xrguild.org if you want to be added to the invite directly.
We have at least 100 new members on the Discord. We will try to make this email-only path equitable to the Discord without all the noise, but we’ve added a bunch of individual channels you might like to monitor. Remember, you can mute any individual channel or the entire server and just check back whenever you want.
You can also visit our new 3D-ish interactive website to become a registered member directly w/o using Discord. Your email load should remain the same as now, except for a few administrative confirmations. As a registered member, you can vote on official proposals and leadership elections. We will use email or postcards as a way to make sure you’re notified of these important votes. But no extra SPAM.
— visit https://register.xrguild.org to become a registered member
— You can also donate to the cause at: https://donate.xrguild.org. It's tax-deductible in the US. We can avoid asking everyone for membership dues if we raise enough this way. Our goal is $5k for starters. Please do what you can.
— Volunteering is another great way to help. Here's the updated list of opportunities and activities we’re looking at:
Help Build the library/archives
Help the Donor Drive — help us figure out how to hit our first $5k goal without relying on direct corporate sponsorship.
Plan More Guild Meetups — plan additional and perhaps local Guild events beyond AWE. Also help plan the bigger annual meeting where we vote.
Build the Guild Hall — let’s figure out how to make a proper 3D living presence, perhaps in Mozilla Hubs.
Help curate the next "100 Original Voices in XR" article (see example: https://avibarzeev.medium.com/100-original-voices-in-xr-55b5a609f4ae)
Help write the first "25 Original Originals" article
Help build the Monument to the Unknown Makers -- a new project to honor the many thousands of people working behind the scenes in big companies who can't even mention what they're doing.
Help plan our mentorship activities.
Or suggest anything else we didn’t think of and we can discuss. As long as people are motivated, we’re happy to help organize. It’s really up to you how much we do.
Thank you for your continued support,
The XR Guild administrative team (Avi, Evo, Holly, Damon)